Hello! Some of you may or may not have followed my blog this summer, if you did, you can continue following my adventures here. But if you didn't, you can start now! So, in honor of all things adventurous, here in this very place you will be able to read about my crazy life and the adventures it entails. What better way to start off a blog than talking about a road trip to Canada with the one and only Gar-bear? AKA: The best dad
ever. Over my spring break (also known as right now) the two of us are road tripping through various parts of Canada. We're going to see it all. Not really. But we will see a lot: Toronto, Niagara Falls, canadian bacon, and so much more! I'm mostly looking forward to spending so much time with Dad--after being gone all summer and only being home once in a while, it will be such a good bonding experience. And I'm assuming he feels the same way... We left home this morning at 11:52 AM and arrived to Sault Saint Marie around 9:30 PM. Our journey here was something else... Once we were out of Wisconsin and in the UP of Michigan, everything around us was absolutely beautiful. The trees, the lake, and even the snow. We also passed a lot of weird things: a restaurant called "EAT", a knife outlet store, an abandoned town hall, a billboard talking about dog poop, people dressed for the next Ice Age, and deer crossing in front of the railroad crossing sign.
Our trip soon became a race against time. As it got darker and darker, we began passing through incredibly small towns. There were some areas where civilization did not seem to exist. And as a result, the roads seemingly became much more treacherous. Not lions, tigers, and bears treacherous. More like snow blowing into the roads, black ice, ice patches, cold weather, off the grid GPS coordinates, and roads that led us in the wrong direction type of treacherous. We soon began keeping track of the houses we were passing so we could guesstimate the distance of the nearest one in case something happened. The small bit we did drive in the dark was kind of scary. But don't worry after making it through the Canadian Border Patrol, we arrived (and no, we did not get our passports stamped). Before checking into our hotel, we spent about twenty minutes looking for food. "Let's go here!" Closed. "How about here?" Closed. "We could try this?" Closed. Everything was closed. It was only 9:15 PM. What the heck, Canada? After spending 8.5 hours in the car only eating Goldfish, Crunch N' Munch, and Twizzlers, we were starving. I told dad that we could just suppress our hunger thus ensuring a larger appetite for breakfast. He said no. So, we ended up ordering Dominoes. How very American of us. Also, dad got us a senior discount for our hotel room... I didn't know that age 51 brought you to senior citizen status. Canadian native Justin Bieber once said, "Canada's the best country in the world!" I hope that the teen pop sensation is right. The next lag of our journey begins tomorrow, stay posted--I'm sure it will be more exciting.
-A & G