(a series of haikus)
in the mundane days,
joy blooms in simple moments,
gratitude whispers.
symphony of rain,
cheerful birds singing their song,
nature's lullaby.
blanket burrito,
wool socks and cozy sweaters,
books that are well worn.
depth of emotions,
heart to hearts under the moon,
powder donut holes.
whimsical flowers,
a cool breeze through the window,
sun patch on carpet.
a gin and tonic,
time on paths in rollerblades,
knotted windblown hair.
the beauty of space,
constellations and comets,
mint chip ice-cream cones,
charcuterie on mountains,
popcorn at movies.
rhythms of the tide,
duck families at the pond,
breathing in fresh air.
to have loved greatly,
experience of heart break,
reminders of strength.
berry foraging,
tea that steams feelings of hope,
eating rhubarb pie.
crying with the Lord,
daily grace given to me,
His comforting love.
it's these things and more
that bring peace to my tired soul --
ordinary joy.